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Roland Sturm / Georg Weinmann (Hrsg.)

The Information Society and the Regions in Europe. A British-German Comparison

Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2000 (Schriftenreihe des Europäischen Zentrums für Föderalismus-Forschung 14); 267 S.; brosch., 44,99 €; ISBN 3-7890-7007-6
Dokumentiert werden die Beiträge einer in Tübingen 1997 abgehaltenen Konferenz mit dem Titel "Regions in Touch with Tomorrow? The Information Society and the Regions in Europe", deren Ziel es war, "to identify options for the future development of the regions in a European Information Society from a comparative, i. e. in our case a British-German, perspective" (11). Inhalt: I. The Information Society - What is on the Agenda? Roland Sturm: The Information Society and its Regional Dimension: A View From the Social Sciences (13-24); Gerhard Fuchs / Hans-Georg Wolf: Can the Regions Catch Up in the European Information Society? (24-47). II. A Framework for a Regional Approach: Aidan Roe: Making Reality of the Information Society in the European Regions: The British Perspective (48-57); Horst Weisbrod / Susanne Kerschies: European Regions on Their Way to the Information Society (58-92); Andrew Gillespie / Seán Ó Siochrú: Information Society and Policy Options in Less-favoured Regions (93-116); Norbert Schöbel: The Committee of the Regions - Linchpin and Catalyst of a European Information Society? (117-127). III. Regional and Local Case Studies: 1. Britain: Tony Fawl: Building Sub-regional Networks: The Balance Sheet of Lancashire (128-150); Antje Cockrill / Phil Cooke / Nicole Schall: A British Regional Perspective: Wales in the Information Society (151-165); Adrian Savill: Health Telematics - Application and Potential for Development (166-180). 2. Germany: Bernd Friedrich: How Are the German Regions Meeting the Challenges of the Information Society? The Baden-Württemberg Perspective (181-189); Georg Weinmann: Regional Parliaments and the Information Society: The Landtag of Baden-Württemberg as a Blueprint? (190-202); Dirk Solte: Telemetropolis - Making the Potential of Telematics Accessible to Rural Areas (203-215); Welf Schröter: 'Telebus-BUS' Strengthens Democracy in the Information Society - An Extraordinary Experiment in the Region of Ulm: Grass-roots Innovation (216-224). IV. Information - The Raw Material for a New Society? Franz-Josef Radermacher: Building the Information Society: Labour Market Pressures, Globalisation, and the Political Goal of Sustainability as Challenges to the Regions in Europe (225-245); Helmut Willke: The Knowledge Society and the Construction of Intelligent Regional Infrastructures (246-266).
Sabine Steppat (STE)
Dipl.-Politologin, Redakteurin
Rubrizierung: 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.61 | 2.23 | 2.35 Empfohlene Zitierweise: Sabine Steppat, Rezension zu: Roland Sturm / Georg Weinmann (Hrsg.): The Information Society and the Regions in Europe. Baden-Baden: 2000, in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft,, veröffentlicht am 01.01.2006. Buch-Nr.: 16447 Rezension drucken