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Lucia Mariani / Matteo Mascia / Martina Vagacovà (Hrsg.)

New Europe: Transformation and Environmental Issues

Münster: Lit 1998 (Europa 2000; 15); VIII, 410 S.; 39,80 DM; ISBN 3-8258-3382-8
Das Buch versammelt die Beiträge der dritten internationalen Konferenz zum Thema "Ethik und Umweltpolitik" (Ethics and Environmental Policies), die vom 25. bis 28. September 1996 in Bratislava stattfand. Inhalt: I. Essays: 1. Ethics and Environment in a Changing Europe: Mario Pavan: Ethics and Environment in the Changing Europe (19-39); Piotr Nowina-Konopka: The New Europe in Transformation (41-50); Kim S. Losev: From New Technologies to New Thinking (51-68); Alberto Bondolfi: Man in Front of Nature and its Sustainable Development: Some Aspects of Ethical-Ecological thought in Europe (69-90). 2. Sustainable Development in the New Europe: Experiences and Perspectives: Brendan Gillespie: What is Sustainable Development in the New Europe? (93-104); Jürgen Gneveckow: Environmental Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: The "Environment for Europe" Process (105-132); Michel Kozeltsev: Transition to Sustainability of the Central and Eastern European Countries (133-143); Mira Mileva: The Eastern Countries towards a Sustainable Society: Experiences and Perspectives (145-159); Jean Pierre Ribaut: Reform of Consumption Patterns and the Way of Life in Western Societies (161-174); Mikuláš Huba: Environment and Sustainable Development in Slovakia 1989-1995 (175-191). II. Discussion Papers: 3. Environmental Ethics and Policy: Peter Smizansky: Evolution of the Environmental Issue in Central and Eastern Europe (195-208); Udo E. Simonis: Bioregionalism. A Pragmatic European Perspective (209-220); Arnolds Ubelis: Perspectives on Environmental Policies: The Latvian Experience (221-229); Pavel Zamostian: Environmental, Social, Economic an Political Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster and Perspectives to Achieve Sustainable Development in Affected Areas of Ukraine (231-239); Gregg Paget / Martina Vagacová: Changes in Rural Public Land Policies in Slovakia (241-253). 4. Environmental Ethics and Economy: Matteo Mascia: New Europe: Proposals for a Common Development (257-268); Bernhard Boehm: Economics and Environment: A Problematic Integration (269-273); Angelo Ferro: Integration between the Logics of Supply and Demand in Eastern and Western European Countries (275-279); Claudia Cavazza: Ethical Motives for the Development of the Recycling Field (281-289); I. V. Gretskii / N. D. Drugashev / O. N. Musikhina / B. Y. Chuev: Ecological Problems in Wine-Making (291-296). 5. Environmental Ethics, Culture and Society: Aleksandra Szewczyk: Environmental Ethics: Views and Doubts (299-311); Zdzizislawa Piatek: Towards a Coherent System of Environmental Ethics (313-319); Frederick Ferré: Axiological Bridges, Personalistic Organicism, and Environmental Transformation (321-327); Andrzej Kiepas: Social and Ethical Aspects of Ecological Risk (329-338); Ewa Gladkowska / Zbigniew Hull: Ethical Bases of Environmental Education (339-346); Mládek Jozef: Eco-Ethical Aspects of Transformation of New Large Housing Estates Case Study on Petrzalka (347-354). 6. Conclusions and Recommendations: Gabriele Scimemi: Environment and the Role of Ethics in Modern European Societies: General Conclusions and Recommendations (357-366); Zbigniew Bochniarz: Environmental Ethics and Policy: General Conclusions and Recommendations (367-377); Ignazio Musu: Environmental Ethics and Economics: General Conclusions and Recommendations (379-383); Philipp Schmitz: Environmental Ethics, Culture and Society: General Conclusions and Recommendations (385-391); Klaus Kraemer: Critical Remarks on "Sustainable Development" (393-398).
Frank Decker (FD)
Prof. Dr., Institut für Politische Wissenschaft und Soziologie, Universität Bonn.
Rubrizierung: 2.261 | 2.2 | 2.62 | 2.61 Empfohlene Zitierweise: Frank Decker, Rezension zu: Lucia Mariani / Matteo Mascia / Martina Vagacovà (Hrsg.): New Europe: Transformation and Environmental Issues Münster: 1998, in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft,, veröffentlicht am 01.01.2006. Buch-Nr.: 6305 Rezension drucken