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Paul Luif (Hrsg.)

Security in Central and Eastern Europe. Problems, Perceptions, Policies

Wien: Braumüller 2001 (The Laxenburg Papers 12); XVI, 486 S.; kart., 57,90 €; ISBN 3-7003-1375-6
Das Buch resultiert aus einem Forschungsprojekt des "Austrian Institute for International Affairs" (AIIA), das mit einer von der NATO unterstützten Konferenz im Oktober 1998 in Wien beschlossen wurde. Inhalt: Jiri Sedivy: Czech Republic: Coping with the Challenges of the Post-Cold War Environment (7-33); Alexander Duleba: Security Dilemmas of the Slovak Republic (35-79); Laszlo Poti: From Democratic Insecurity to a Democracy in Security: The Case of Hungary (81-113); Henryk Dziewulski / Wieslaw Smialek: The Polish Case (115-141); Anton Grizold / Ljubica Jelusic: Slovenian Security in the European Perspective (143-170); Atis Lejins: The "Twin Enlargements" and Baltic Security: Prospects for the 21st Century (171-206); Nikolay Slatinski / Dimitar Ionchev: Bulgaria on the Road to the Euro-Atlantic Structures (207-240); Constantin Vlad: Security of Romania: Opportunities and Challenges (241-270); Heinz Gärtner: Adapting NATO to the New Security Structures (271-305); Paul Luif: The European Union's Projection of Security and Stability onto Central and Eastern Europe (307-342); Heinz Vetschera: The Role of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) (343-369); Gustav E. Gustenau: Military Implications of NATO Enlargement (371-384); Gerhard Mangott: Russian Policies on Central and Eastern Europe: An Overview (385-422); Hans Joachim Giessmann: The "Revival of 'Mitteleuropa'". Germany's Foreign and Security Policy Interests and the Transformation of Europe (423-445); Otmar Höll: European Evolution and the Austrian Security Perspectives (447-476).
Walter Rösch (WR)
M. A., Politikwissenschaftler.
Rubrizierung: 4.2 | 2.62 | 4.41 | 4.3 Empfohlene Zitierweise: Walter Rösch, Rezension zu: Paul Luif (Hrsg.): Security in Central and Eastern Europe. Wien: 2001, in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft,, veröffentlicht am 01.01.2006. Buch-Nr.: 18771 Rezension drucken